Improving Customer Retention via Social Media

For any brand’s success, it is important to boost your customers’ retention, such that engagement and satisfaction are raised through various high-quality service providers and social hearing/listening. When it comes to marketing, you must create awareness amongst people regarding your product to create demand for it and get new customers on board. Nonetheless, some businesses […]


Marketing Guide Through Emails for Startups

Until the 1980s, salespersons coming up to your door, knocking, and pitching you sales was an ordinary practice. While it still exists today, this particular exercise has declined over the years. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is usually done now majorly for construction of residential areas and finishing of buildings. Whilst it […]


The Changing Nature of Influencers

A while ago, influencers would post pictures wearing a specific brand or declaring partnership with cream and get tons of likes. But now, as social media platforms have been democratized, consumers these days are vying for real and strong content that can be used to challenge fake news, capitalism, and other falsities that plague the […]