We’ve got you covered! If you need more tweets, you can upgrade your current plan or contact support@webdab.com to add more tweets to your current subscription plan.
You can create a free report by signing up with twitter and typing the hashtag, term, account or keyword that you need to analyze.
Potential reach stands for the potential number of users that could have seen the hashtag or term.
Impressions (the impact) stands for the potential number of times somebody could have seen the term or hashtag.
We inlcude a large array of information into our reports: Total Number of Tweets, Likes, Replies, and Retweets, Time Charts with Tweets, Likes, Retweets, Replies, and Impact. It also includes detailed Top Influencers with Graphs and Influence Analysis, Total Related Hashtags, Images, Links and other media. Top Tweets (Expandend and Compact Views). Potential Reach, Estimated […]