The influencer with the highest engagement rate on #PenceWonTheDebate is @Kaymina6 with 824 likes and 99 retweets, followed by @real_defender with 586 likes and 197 retweets.
Let’s take a closer look at @Kaymina6; this twitter user has only 12 followers. However, the tweets from this account received 99 retweets and 824 likes. This is due to the popularity of the hashtag itself and not due to a strong influence generated by the user account.
Kaymina’s most popular tweet is actually against #PenceWonTheDebate. The second user on the list, @real_defender, has 65k followers and twitted once with the hashtag #PenceWonTheDebate. This tweet received 197 retweets and 586 likes and is also against #PenceWonTheDebate.
The next set of influencers on the list, @SaltyCracker9, @Royale_Dinero, and @Gunnar_Thor, are pro #PenceWonTheDebate. However, these have a significantly lower impact.